What we do at Carbon Atlantis

We capture CO2 from the atmosphere. With partners, we either permanently lock it away or turn it into CO2-neutral or negative products.

Why we do what we do

Reducing CO2e emissions is not enough to stay within the 2 °C target until 2050. We need to remove 10 Gigatons(!) of excess carbon from the atmosphere to beat climate change.

Carbon removal is so nascent that there is effectively no one with experience in the field but getting to the 10 Gigatons is of carbon removals until 2050 is crucial. This represents 70% year over year growth for the next 27 years, twice as fast as software. We will need to bring in talent from many other industries and universities, have a strong focus on talent development, and champion the climate tech industry as a whole.

We are backed by a well-known VCs and are based in Munich, Garching.

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